Africa. N.S. V/1, 2023.

Africa. N.S. V/1, 2023.

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Articoli / Articles Patrick Y. Whang, “We pray that they should never win elections”: The Basutoland Congress Party as Opposition in the Late Colonial and Early Post-Independence Lesotho, 1960-1970 Federica Toldo, La danse de xinguilamento entre mise en scène patrimoniale et conceptions locales de la possession (Luanda, Angola) Pietro Repishti, Land for the People, Land for the Gods: Property and Appropriation of Urban Space in Porto-Novo between the 18th and 19th Century Carolina Domina, Kutuku: Anthropological Insights into the Nzema Gin Alessandra Brivio, Domestic Slavery and Domestic Work in the Gold Coast (Ghana): The Invisibility of Women’s Labour Recensioni / Reviews Nicola Camilleri, Staatsangehörigkeit und Rassismus. Rechtsdiskurse und Verwaltungspraxis in den Kolonien Eritrea und Deutsch-Ostafrika (Roberta Pergher) ‘History of Ashanti’ by Otumfuo, Nana Osei Agyeman Prempeh II, edited by T.C. McCaskie (Richard Rathbone) Arrigo Pallotti, La decolonizzazione dell’Africa australe. Il ruolo della Tanzania (1961-1980) (Giacomo Macola) Autori / Contributors

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