Africa. N.S. II/2, 2020

Africa. N.S. II/2, 2020

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Articoli / Articles Ian Phimister, Markets, Mines, and Magnates: Finance and the Coming of War in South Africa, 1894-1899 Andrew Cohen, Navigating Nationalisation: American Metal Climax Inc. and the Zambian Copperbelt, c. 1968-1970 Roberto Gaudioso, This Is not Free Verse! A Stylistic Study of Kezilahabi’s Poems Salvatore Morra, The Tunisian ʻŪd ʻArbī and Its North African Identity Lidwien Kapteijns and Alessandra Vianello, Enslaved People in the Qāḍī’s Record Book of Brava (1893-1900) Francesca Declich, Nassib Bundo and Other Rebel Slaves and Liberti of Gosha. A Reassessment (1835-1906) Somalia 1960 Rassegna / Review article Jean-Luc Vellut, Entre Italie et Congo. Explorations autour d’un binôme Giacomo Macola, Congo: Jean-Luc Vellut’s Oeuvre and Other Works Recensioni / Reviews Laurick Zerbini, L’Afrique noire en vitrines (Andrea Ceriana Mayneri) Elleni Centime Zeleke, Ethiopia in Theory (Tekeste Negash) Shiferaw Bekele, Uodelul Dirar, Alessandro Volterra and Massimo Zaccaria (eds.), The First World War from Tripoli to Addis Ababa (Richard Rathbone) Maud Saint-Lary, Réislamisations au Burkina Faso (Fabio Viti) Richard Reid, Shallow Graves (John Burton Kegel) Autori / Contributors

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